Deep Ellum People: Big Tuck

Photo Credit: Breonny Lee BY Taylor Adams Cogan When Big Tuck marked 20 years of his album Purple Hulk in 2024, he started a tour in no other place than Dallas, in no other neighborhood than Deep Ellum. The show at Club Dada featured the work of the Dallas rap legend...

Deep Ellum People: Gavin Mulloy

Photo Credit: Breonny Lee BY Taylor Adams Cogan It’s easy to take the sounds of Deep Ellum for granted when you’re walking its streets so often. Sure, we may follow the musician on Instagram after stumbling onto them on an Elm Street stage, or tip the bartender extra...

Deep Ellum People: Imani Black

Photo Credit: Breonny Lee BY Taylor Adams Cogan For Imani Black as a daughter, loving Dallas came naturally — with parents who adored the city (and its football team). For Imani Black as an artist, Deep Ellum kept drawing her back, helping her hone her craft and...

Deep Ellum People: Dan Murry

Photo Credit: Breonny Lee BY Taylor Adams Cogan There’s a reason you’ll often hear someone say they’ve poured their blood, sweat, and tears into the streets of Deep Ellum: it’s a place that rewards dedication, welcoming the investment and returning it in ways that...

Deep Ellum People: Tommy Raps

Photo by:  Breonny Lee BY Taylor Adams Cogan It’s easy to feel inspired in Dallas, whether it’s by the stunning skyline that makes us feel at home, the trees of the Trinity Forest that make us feel small, or the creative energy pulsing through the streets of Deep...

Deep Ellum People: Mary Gonzalez

BY Taylor Adams Cogan It’s no secret that Deep Ellum has historically been filled with artists. But artistry here goes beyond music and murals. For Mary Gonzalez, her art is hair. Since planting her roots in a then-quiet Deep Ellum nearly two decades ago, Gonzalez has...

Deep Ellum People: Casey Hess

BY Taylor Adams Cogan When Casey Hess first went to Deep Ellum, the then-teenager sported a plaid long-sleeved shirt over a Course of Empire band T-shirt, complete with a “hippie necklace thing,” super long hair, and probably some leggings, he says. He knew Deep Ellum...